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Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language. Its design philosophy emphasizes code readability with the use of significant indentation via the off-side rule. Python is dynamically typed and garbage-collected. It supports multiple programming paradigms, including structured (particularly procedural), object-oriented and functional programming. It is often described as a "batteries included" language due to its comprehensive standard library. Guido van Rossum began working on Python in the late 1980s as a successor to the ABC programming language and first released it in 1991 as Python 0.9.0. Python 2.0 was released in 2000. Python 3.0, released in 2008, was a major revision not completely backward-compatible with earlier versions. Python 2.7.18, released in 2020, was the last release of Python 2. Python consistently ranks as one of the most popular programming languages.

Python was conceived in the late 1980s by Guido van Rossum at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in the Netherlands as a successor to the ABC programming language, which was inspired by SETL, capable of exception handling and interfacing with the Amoeba operating system. Its implementation began in December 1989. Van Rossum shouldered sole responsibility for the project, as the lead developer, until 12 July 2018, when he announced his "permanent vacation" from his responsibilities as Python's "benevolent dictator for life", a title the Python community bestowed upon him to reflect his long-term commitment as the project's chief decision-maker.[45] In January 2019, active Python core developers elected a five-member Steering Council to lead the project.


Q1. What is Python? List some popular applications of Python in the world of technology.

Python is a widely-used general-purpose, high-level programming language. It was created by Guido van Rossum in 1991 and further developed by the Python Software Foundation. It was designed with an emphasis on code readability, and its syntax allows programmers to express their concepts in fewer lines of code.

It is used for:

- System Scripting
- Web Development
- Game Development
- Software Development
- Complex Mathematics

Q2. How is Exceptional handling done in Python?

Exception handling is an important concept in programming that helps handle errors and unexpected behavior in a program. In Python, exception handling is done using try-except blocks.The basic syntax for using a try-except block is as follows:

# code that may raise an exception except ExceptionType:
# code to handle the exception

In this syntax, the "try" block contains the code that may raise an exception, and the "except" block contains the code that will handle the exception if it occurs.
When an exception occurs in the "try" block, Python will look for an "except" block that matches the type of exception raised. If a match is found, the code in the corresponding "except" block will be executed. If no match is found, the exception will propagate up the call stack until it is caught by a higher-level try-except block or until the program terminates.Here's an example of how exception handling works in Python:

Q3. How is Exceptional handling done in Python? 

Exception handling is an important concept in programming that helps handle errors and unexpected behavior in a program. In Python, exception handling is done using try-except blocks.
The basic syntax for using a try-except block is as follows:
# code that may raise an exception except ExceptionType:
# code to handle the exception

Q4. Is Python a compiled language or an interpreted language?

Python is an interpreted language. This means that Python code is executed directly by an interpreter, without being compiled into machine code first. When a Python program is run, the interpreter reads the source code, parses it, and executes it line by line. This allows for more flexibility and easier debugging, as changes to the code can be tested immediately without needing to recompile. However, Python does use compilation in certain situations. For example, when a module is imported for the first time, Python compiles the source code into bytecode and saves it to disk in a .pyc file. This bytecode can be loaded and executed more quickly than the original source code, and also provides a level of protection against unauthorized modification of the code.
In recent years, there have been some efforts to add just-in-time (JIT) compilation to Python, which would allow it to generate machine code at runtime for performance-critical code. However, even with JIT, Python will still be considered an interpreted language.

Q5. What are the benefits of using Python language as a tool in the present scenario?

Python is a versatile and widely-used programming language that has become increasingly popular in recent years. Here are some of the benefits of using Python as a tool in the present scenario: Easy to Learn: Python is designed to be easy to learn and use. Its syntax is simple and readable, making it an ideal choice for beginners who are just starting out in programming. Wide Range of Applications: Python is used in a wide range of applications, from web development and data analysis to machine learning and artificial intelligence.
It is particularly well-suited for scientific computing and data analysis, with many popular libraries and frameworks available for these purposes. Large Community: Python has a large and active community of developers who contribute to its development and create a wide range of useful libraries and tools. This makes it easy to find support, collaborate on projects, and stay up-to-date with the latest developments. Cross-Platform Compatibility: Python code can be run on a wide range of platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.
This makes it a flexible choice for developers who need to create software that can run on multiple operating systems. Rapid Prototyping: Python is well-suited for rapid prototyping, allowing developers to quickly develop and test new ideas without spending a lot of time on se

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